

Lightsquid sang pemantau proxy

Baru-baru ini saya lagi coba beberapa proxy monitoring untuk kebutuhan pemantauan user pemakai internet di tempat saya. Saya dah coba beberapa tools, langsung diunduh dan test, dan akhirnya pilihan jatuh pada lightsquid. Kenapa pilih lightsquid? karena instalasinya mudah dan report-nya cukup lengkap sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang saya inginkan, bisa dilihat by day, by ip, ada top site dll

ini salah satu screen shoot-nya

Saat tulisan ini dibuat, versi terbarunya adalah v1.7.1, Untuk unduh softwarenya klik saja disini

Instalasinya gampang saja tinggal ikuti aja instruksi berikut:

Installation Instructions:

Required software:

  1. Perl
  2. http server (Apache, lighthttpd, etc)
  3. Squid
  4. Cron

or equivalent

in example i use Apache

1. Extract lightsquid.tgz into any folder

cd /var/www/htdocs/
mkdir lightsquid
cd lightsquid
tar -xzf lightsquid.tgz

set 'executable' flag for scrip

chmod +x *.cgi
chmod +x *.pl

change owner

chown -R apache:apache *
(where apache = httpd user)

2. Configure your Apache server

.cgi files must execute as CGI scrip

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
AllowOverride All

Restart apache

3. Edit lightsquid.cfg

4. If you want GROUP reports - edit group.cfg


esl 01 SysAdmin
karlos 01 SysAdmin
thy 01 SysAdmin
Ivanov 02 Developer
Ivanov2 02 Developer
Petrov 03 Commerial
Petrova 03 Commerial
vasyav 04 room 312
petyava 04 room 312

5. If you want use REALNAME - edit realname.cfg


esl Sergey Erokhin
karlos Super User1
thy Tech Good
Ivanov Developer numer one
Ivanov2 Developer numbe two
Petrov Good Commerial
Petrova Bad Commerial
vasyav Some User1
petyava Some User2

6. if you want graphics report

check graph report

7. run check-setup.pl

if all done try next step
else check config file.

8. Try run lightparser.pl

if everything is ok no messages will be produced

parse old statistic
./lightparser.pl access.log.1.{gz|bz2}
./lightparser.pl access.log.2.{gz|bz2}
./lightparser.pl access.log.3.{gz|bz2}

9. Try to use lightsquid

Using your favorite browser enter http:///lightsquid/

10. Setup crontab to run lightparser once per hour

crontab -e
This example will execute parser every 20 minutes

*/20 * * * * /var/www/htdocs/lightsquid/lightparser.pl today

if you have small log and fast machine, you may run lightparser with smaller delay
warning not set interval less 10 min

11. All done!

12. If you have problems, define $debug variable in lightsquid.cfg and rerun lightparser.

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